161 research outputs found

    Élites, path dependency y la falta de un pacto constitucional estable en Chile y Argentina: Un análisis comparativo-histórico

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    The core literature on Latin American politics has stressed the existence of path dependency among presidential regimes in the region. However, this paper offers an alternative explanation, where dependence is found in values such as central power, authority, order and elite pre-eminence, which were transformed into formal institutions, principally the Constitution. Consequently, sub-optimal decisions taken at certain critical junctures aimed at maintaining the status quo are more relevant than lasting institutional agreements, as is the case in the United States. The lack of a constitutional agreement resembles what in economics has been described as the missing social contract, where elite or temporary political coalitions with other social sectors imposed structural reforms. In order to overcome this void, Chile’s non-elite sectors pursued democratic means, whereas in Argentina this was considered only one of the available tools. Though the initial outcome for analysis is different, both countries currently share the lack of a constitutional agreement, forcing both to continue to search for lasting democratic institutions.La literatura predominante sobre política latinoamericana ha señalado la existencia de path dependency entre los regímenes presidenciales de la región. Sin embargo, este trabajo ofrece una explicación alternativa que incluye en el análisis los valores de poder centralizado, autoridad, orden y preeminencia de la élite, que fueron transformados en instituciones formales, principalmente la Constitución. En consecuencia, decisiones sub-óptimas tomadas en ciertas coyunturas críticas destinadas a mantener el status quo son más relevantes que acuerdos institucionales duraderos, como en el caso de Estados Unidos. La falta de un acuerdo constitucional en América Latina, donde coaliciones políticas coyunturales de la élite con otros sectores sociales impusieron las reformas estructurales, se parece a lo que en economía se ha descrito como el contrato social ausente. Para superar dicha falta, en Chile los sectores no pertenecientes a la élite buscaron métodos democráticos a diferencia que en Argentina donde la democracia se consideró sólo una de las herramientas disponibles. Aunque el resultado inicial del análisis es diferente, hoy en día ambos países enfrentan una falta de acuerdo constitucional similar, que obliga tanto a Argentina como a Chile a continuar esforzándose por lograr instituciones democráticas duraderas

    Biological significance of dead biomass retention trait in Mediterranean Basin species: an analysis between different successional niches and regeneration strategies as functional groups

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    Standing dead biomass retention is considered one of the most relevant fuel structural traits to affect plant flammability. However, very little is known about the biological significance of this trait and its distribution between different functional groups. Our aim was to analyse how the proportion of dead biomass produced in Mediterranean species is related to the successional niche of species (early-, mid- and late-successional stages) and the regeneration strategy of species (seeders and resprouters). We evaluated biomass distribution by size classes and standing dead biomass retention in nine dominant species from the Mediterranean Basin in different development stages (5, 9, 14 and 26 years since the last fire). The results revealed significant differences in the standing dead biomass retention of species that presented a distinct successional niche or regeneration strategy. These differences were restricted to the oldest ages studied (>9 years). Tree and small tree resprouters, typical in late-successional stages, presented slight variations with age and a less marked trend to retain dead biomass, while seeder shrubs and dwarf shrubs, characteristic of early-successional stages, showed high dead biomass loads. Our results suggest that the species that tend to retain more dead branches are colonising species that may promote fire in early-successional stages.This research has been partially financed by programme FORESTERRA ERA-Net (Medwildfirelab, PCIN-2013-140-C04-03), PROMETEO II (Desestrés/2014/038) and the Spanish Ministry of Education (Resilience CGL 2011-30515-C02-02). CEAM is supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Valencian Government)

    El Congreso Nacional de Chile y el proceso de ratificación del Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos de América

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    This research shows that the legislative ratification process of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Chile was not discussed and voted according to party lines but personal opinions towards the North American nation and especial interests affected by particular clauses of the treaty. It also implied that the continuum in the spectrum left-right wing, position in favour or against the past Pinochet’s dictatorship and the individual position towards the position of Chile in the United Nations Security Council during the pre-Iraq war crisis do not represent a significant explanatory variable, as well as previous opinions or political positions held by individual legislators during the cold war. However, relevant and significant explanatory variables are constituted by the constituencies represented by each legislator on the rural-urban axis plus position towards globalization are more relevant, especially in terms of position towards free markets. With this, this research can enlighten about the future of the Chilean-US relations and the attitudes of the political elite towards the United States. Methodologically it is build a database that includes the voting records and statements given by all members of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate at the committee and the floor. This includes the political party and every opinion expressed in the chamber and also a representative sample of statements released to the national press during the period of legislative ratification.La presente investigación muestra que el proceso de aprobación en el Congreso del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre los Estados Unidos de América y Chile no se discutió ni votó de acuerdo con los lineamientos de los partidos, sino de acuerdo con las opiniones personales sobre el país norteamericano y los intereses afectados por disposiciones específicas del tratado. También revela que la continuidad del espectro izquierdaderecha, la posición en favor o en contra de la pasada dictadura de Pinochet y el punto de vista individual respecto de la posición de Chile en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas durante la crisis anterior a la guerra con Irak, ni las opiniones o posiciones de política de los distintos parlamentarios durante la Guerra Fría, constituyen una variable explicativa importante. En cambio, sí lo son los electores representados por cada legislador en el eje rural-urbano, además de su posición respecto de la globalización, en especial en función de su punto de vista sobre el libre mercado. Dicho esto, la presente investigación puede ser de utilidad para formarse una opinión sobre el futuro de las relaciones chileno-norteamericanas y las actitudes de la elite política hacia los Estados Unidos. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se elaboró una base de datos que incluye los registros de votación y las declaraciones de la totalidad de los miembros de la Cámara de Diputados y del Senado, tanto en las comisiones como en el pleno. Esta incluye el partido político a que pertenecían y las opiniones expresadas en la sala, además de una muestra representativa de las declaraciones formuladas a la prensa nacional durante el período de aprobación legislativ

    Estudio del contenido de nitratos en especies vegetales de consumo humano

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    44 p.En la presente investigación se determinó el contenido de nitratos en las especies vegetales de consumo humano espinaca (Spinacia oleracea), hierba de los canónigos (Valerianella locusta) y berro de agua (Nasturtium officinale), cultivadas bajo distintas condiciones de suelo. Se utilizó como sustratos: turba, orujo, pino y mezcla Las determinaciones de nitratos se realizaron utilizando el método colorimétrico basado en la reducción de nitrato a nitrito, a través de una columna de cadmio, y posterior formación del complejo con sulfanilamida y N-(1-naftil)-etilendiaminodihidroclorhidro, las mediciones se hicieron a una longitud de onda de 543 nm. Los resultados obtenidos se expresaron en base seca, con una eficiencia del método de un 86,3%. Los resultados obtenidos en la especie Spinacia oleracea (espinaca) fluctuaron entre 41,5 y 205,8 mg/kg, cultivados en los sustratos orujo y mezcla, respectivamente. En la especie Valerianella locusta (hierba de los canónigos), los contenidos de nitrato variaron entre 258,5 y 987,8 mg/kg, cultivados en los sustratos mezcla y turba, respectivamente. Finalmente, para la especie Nasturtium officinale (berro), se realizaron cultivos en periodos de invierno y primavera. Los rangos registrados en invierno fluctuaron entre 28,3 y 944,7 mg/kg. Los resultados registrados en primavera fluctuaron entre 27,3 y 926,7 mg/kg. En ambos periodos los cultivos se realizaron con los mismos sustratos y tratamiento de suelo. Los resultados obtenidos para las tres especies analizadas concluyen que se encuentran dentro de los límites permitidos según las normativas vigentes internacionales, lo que indica que el consumo de estas especies no afectaría la salud de las personas

    Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of coniferous species distribution in Mediterranean drylands from North West Algeria

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    Understanding the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the distribution of species is essential for developing management in endangered ecosystems. We studied the current abundance and distribution patterns of vegetation along environmental and anthropogenic gradients in North West Algeria. We focused on the four dominant coniferous species (Pinus halepensis, Tetraclinis articulata, Juniperus oxycedrus and Juniperus phoenicea). We compiled inventories of species composition, together with 12 environmental variables in 177 sampling plots throughout the study area. Multivariate (detrended correspondence analysis) and univariate (Huisman–Olf–Fresco models) analyses were applied to predict the presence of coniferous species and to explore species-environment relationships with ecological and anthropogenic variables. We found that species segregated along environmental gradients, mainly altitude and related climatic variables (temperatures). Anthropogenic variables, like fire frequency and overgrazing, were secondary, but also significant. Juniperus phoenicea was located exclusively in coastal areas. Tetraclinis articulata had a wide distribution and was linked to coastal and inland areas, but did not arrive at more continental areas (colder and drier), where it was replaced with J. oxycedrus. P. halepensis displayed the widest distribution and was practically present throughout the study area, but its maximum abundance was in continental areas. These results indicate a possible shift of species’ potential distribution in future climatic change. Species like J. oxycedrus would be seriously threatened by niche narrowing, while Pinus halepensis and T. articulata could expand to a certain extent. Our results provide important inputs for optimizing the management plans of coniferous species by considering environmental factors key modulators of vegetation distribution.This work has been conducted as part of the Research Integrated Action Programme TASSILI ‘History of woody vegetation and associated biodiversity conservation in north west Algeria’ (2007, No. 07MDU703). Faouzia Ayache was supported through a MAEC-AECID grant from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development. V.M. Santana was supported by a ‘Beatriu de Pinós’ grant (2014BP-2014BPB00056) Generalitat de Cataluña and M.J. Baeza was supported by the SURVIVE-2 (CGL2015-69773-C2-2-P) project

    Análisis de las relaciones comerciales, en el marco del TIC, entre Colombia y Cánada

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    ResumenEl presente trabajo analiza las relaciones comerciales, en el marco de las negociacionespara la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), entre Colombia y Canadá, considerandoel retraso en la implementación del TLC con Estados Unidos. Se pretendemostrar la importancia del incremento de las relaciones económicas entre Colombia yCanadá y su potencial para mejorar el bienestar económico. A lo largo del documentose estudia la forma en que Colombia se inserta en los mercados internacionales, y seencuentra que el TLC entre ambos países constituye un mecanismo útil para dinamizarsu inserción en los mercados internacionales. Colombia sostiene una base exportadoratodavía muy dependiente de las exportaciones tradicionales, la cual coexiste con unaplataforma exportadora de bienes industriales escasamente desarrollada y poco diversificadaen destinos. Para convertir el comercio en una importante fuerza dinamizadoradel desarrollo económico del país se deben buscar medios que permitan modernizarla economía y convertir a Colombia en un país más competitivo. El TLC con Canadáes una buena herramienta para mantener el buen comportamiento que ha mostradonuestro comercio internacional en los últimos años, y demostrar las intenciones deColombia de participar en el proceso de globalización en forma activa.Jai me Rafael Ahcar Olmos , David Bae za Guti érre z44 Econ. Gest. Desarro. Cali (Colombia) N°. 8 43 - 71 Diciembre - 2009Palabras Claves: Tratado de Libre Comercio, Comercio Internacional, Canadá,Colombia, Integración Económica.Tratado de Libre Comercio, Comercio Internacional, Canadá,Colombia, Integración Económica.

    El rol de la Comisión de Defensa de la Cámara de Diputados en la formulación de la Política de Defensa

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    Análisis del rol de la Comisión de Defensa de la Cámara de Diputados en el proceso de toma de decisión en materias de Seguridad y Defensa (Policy Making Process –PMP– en inglés). En este contexto, las premisas de este estudio guardan relación con las atribuciones de estas comisiones, que van más allá de la mera aprobación presupuestaria y proyectos para convertirlas en ley, sino que, además, otras actividades centrales para los intereses de sus miembros en materias tales como la supervisión de las decisiones del gobierno en materia de Defensa, como asimismo su relación directa con las Fuerzas Armadas, considerando que cada diputado y senador pueden influir en el desarrollo de políticas públicas de cada rama castrense

    Thinning and plantation of resprouting species redirect overstocked pine stands towards more functional communities in the Mediterranean basin

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    Post-fire regeneration in Pinus halepensis' forests, one of the most abundant vegetation types in the Mediterranean basin, often generates overstocked and vulnerable stands. They accumulate a high fuel load, increasing the risk of further fires, and present high levels of vulnerability due to their reduced seed production. In addition, these dense stands substantially reduce the availability of light and nutrients, which may hinder the recruitment of other species, often generating mono-specific and homogeneous stands, which potentially supply fewer ecosystem services than mixed forests with more heterogeneous structures. In these dense pine stands, management is of high priority to reduce fire hazards and promote their functionality. In overstocked pine stands (>75,000 trees·ha−1), we assessed the long-term effects (10 years) of two thinning levels (600 and 1200 trees·ha−1), in combination with the plantation of Quercus faginea (a resprouter species typical of advanced successional stages in our study area) on 28 above and belowground ecosystem attributes, including fire hazard. After ten years, thinning and plantation interacted to enhance ecosystem attributes associated with disturbance regulation and biodiversity conservation (up to 200%) and food production (up to 90%), while no effects were observed on those attributes related to carbon sequestration and supporting services. These effects were mainly driven by aboveground attributes, as they responded more strongly to our treatments than those belowground. Our results are relevant for the restoration of Mediterranean degraded ecosystems, and show that tree thinning in overstocked pine stands, combined with the plantation of resprouter species, may not only reduce fire risks and accelerate post-fire succession but also enhance the supply of multiple ecosystem services in the long run.This research was funded by the FUME project funded by the European Seventh Programme Framework (Grant number 24388), HYDROMED project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Subprojects BLUEWATER PID2019-111332RB-C21 and INERTIA PID2019-111332RB-C22), IMAGINA (PROMETEO/2019/110), and the FIRE-SCENARIO (GV-2020-160) projects funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. A.M. is supported by the scholarship of Generalitat Valenciana-European Social Fund (ACIF-2018-194). S.S. was supported by the Spanish Government under a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2016-20604)

    Disturbance as a factor in breaking dormancy and enhancing invasiveness of African grasses in a Neotropical Savanna

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    The Cerrado is threatened by wildfires and invasive species. We aimed to evaluate in laboratory conditions whether temperature fluctuation at the soil surface, resulting from the absence of vegetation due to fire, can affect the germination of Urochloa decumbens and U. brizantha, two invasive African grasses. Seeds of both species were submitted to simulations: 1) temperature during fire at 1cm belowground (F); 2) temperature fluctuation at 1cm belowground without vegetation cover for a month (TF); 3) (F) + (TF); 4) control at 25ºC. After treatments, seeds were put to germinate at 25ºC for 40 days. We had four replicates per treatment and three temporal replicates. We compared germination percentage and the mean germination time among treatments using ANOVA. The treatments TF and F+TF had the highest germination values for both species. The results showed that fire per se could not stimulate seed germination, however, they suggest that a disturbance that produces a pattern of temperature fluctuation is able to break dormancy and enhance seed germination and, consequently, increase the invasiveness of the study species. Vegetation gaps resulting from disturbance may become new sites of invasion. This information is important for making management decisions regarding the control of these species.We thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/DGU 227/2010) for financial support. M.J.B. acknowledges the support from the programme FORESTERRA ERA-Net (Medwildfirelab, PCIN-2013-140-C04-03) and PROMETEO II (Desestres es/2014/038)

    Degradation of tribromophenol by wood-rot fungi and hamilton system

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    Biological, chemical and combined treatments were used to degrade TBP. The biological treatment consisted in the use of Laetiporus sulphureus , Gloeophyllum trabeum and Ganoderma australe , which respectively achieved 48%, 74% and 80% degradation, and 40%, 70% and 77% of organic bromine removal (AOX) on TBP water solutions (60 mg L-1) after 15 days of bio treatment. The biological treatment with G. australe on TBP-contaminated sawdust (10 mg kg-1) led to 23% degradation. The chemical treatment consisted in the Hamilton system (Fenton reaction assisted by 1,2-dihydroxybenzene); observing with this treatment, 95% degradation, 50% mineralization (TOC), and 48% reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD). The combined treatment of both (chemical-biological) treatments produced degradations of 100%, and reduction of toxicity of 34% and 30%, with L. sulphureus and G. australe, respectively